1,000 daffodils planted

1,000 daffodils planted

To all those who planted daffodils over the last two weekends:

What a fabulous group you are!  You planted over 1,000 daffodil bulbs at two major parks in Sausalito.  Your ages ranged from 3 to 83, and ten of you came out to plant flowers in both parks. You comprised interested neighbors, members of Sausalito service clubs, Cub Scouts, college students, busy families, and flower-lovers. You ignored your aging backs/knees/shoulders yet respected Covid recommendations.

One of you, Christopher, even chose to celebrate your 8th birthday with us, and then went home with 8 more daffodil bulbs which should come up year after year, reminding you of the benefits of civic engagement.

At Dunphy Park, you planted around the gazebo and along the sidewalk across from Bee Street.  It was a bright gorgeous day, although the soils were quite soggy, especially at the gazebo.  You persisted through a lot of gravel and a lot of clay on that day, but working right next to the sparkling bay made it quite magical.

At MLK Park, you planted bulbs around several of the very same trees that you helped plant just last year! The soils in one spot (by the pickleball courts) were good. At the other spot (closer to the Ebbtide entrance), there was no soil as it was primarily rock, fractured rock, and more rock. Only a jack hammer got through–literally.

You have demonstrated how citizens working together, even in difficult times, can shape a brighter future for our city. Your flowers should emerge in the March/April time frame (though in this warm and dry weather, perhaps earlier). You will brighten everyone’s spirits with this small yet powerful act.

Thank you. You are amazing, and we are all very grateful!! 

– The Sausalito Beautiful family

More information on the Daffodils in the Park project.

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