Our Insights

We have a vision for the public green spaces in Sausalito.  These insights reflect issues that impact the future and may (or may not) translate into an actionable project someday. Our aim is to educate citizens in a concise manner about a complex issue, while presenting Sausalito Beautiful’s perspective or philosophy on the matter.

We invite your comments, as we aim to initiate or further a community-wide discussion on these issues.

Our Impact in 2022 & Goals for 2023

Our Impact in 2022 & Goals for 2023

We couldn’t do it without you! 

You and your fellow volunteers and donors make Sausalito’s parks, streets and greenspaces healthy, sustainable, and resilient… and best of all, BEAUTIFUL!

Please consider making an end-of-year donation to Sausalito Beautiful. Our goal is to raise $35,000 to fund the on-going planting of trees, improvement of our parks, and strategic planning for our changing environment.

Learn to Live Lightly on the Earth with Resilient Neighborhoods

Learn to Live Lightly on the Earth with Resilient Neighborhoods

The Earth's climate is changing. Extreme climate events like drought, record breaking heat, flooding, and widespread wildfires are all things we are experiencing in Marin. The good news is that progress is being made as the world shifts to a clean energy future. But we must increase our commitment...

The Power of Urban Forests

The Power of Urban Forests

The verdant landscape of Sausalito bestows upon us many environmental, health, and economic benefits. We should set aside time, money, and resources for our green infrastructure in order to maximize the power of our Urban Forest.